Press and Interviews


Shoutout Podcast with Dina Lami - Interview

Episode Description – Season 2 Episode 4 - April 15, 2021 – 40 min.
Dominique Gizelle cofounder of Path to as Happy Life, it’s a movement towards your greatness!

New York, New York calling! After a crazy out of this world experience in 2020/21 we all need a path to get back on track with joy and uplifting energy through Path to a Happy Life. A movement created out of a labor of love by Dominique Gizelle and Paul Biondi. Gizelle opens up about re-navigating Life and helping people with their purpose during the pandemic – 2020/21. Even through uncertainty there will be opportunities, joy and happiness, but it’s up to you to go after it!

IG@pathtoahappylife @pathtoahappylife website Follow podcast @theshoutoutpodcast


Live with Angela - Interview

Episode Description – Feb. 5, 2021 – 39 min
Dominique Gizelle of Path to a Happy Life in a live interview with Angela

Dominique Gizelle speaks with Angela about the Path to a Happy Life mission to restore hope and bring inspiration and resources to people through this completely FREE. offering.